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Museum Of Simulation Technology (New Version)

Independent Project

This is a puzzle game inspired by forced perspective. The player manipulates objects' distance and size by changing his own perspective while he traverses the landscape of a mysterious museum. 

This game is based off an old, buggy prototype I made half a year ago. I spent 3 to 4 weeks to completely redo the game so it works and looks much better now.


​Hopefully this is not the final version because I plan to add more levels later. 


Created: July, 2013


*Sorry, the demo isn't avaliable right now!

** We didn't want the experience of playing the demo to lessen the experience of playing the full game (whenever that is done)! Sorry, we'll try to make the next version much better!

Contested Waters

BVW Round 5

In this game, you act on a 3-man team to control a single submarine. Your goal is to shoot down the opposing submarine, which is controlled by 3 other people. On each team, you can be the helmsman (doing the steering), the navigator (operating the sonar), or the engineer (controlling depth, speed, and firing).

This world was created to be played during the BVW festival. The task was to theme a room and create a digital and physical experience that guests could enjoy. My role on this project included programming and sound design.


Team Members:  Kiran George, Xiao Li, Clyde Shaffer, Albert Shih, Zhengyi Wang, Yuxi Zhang

Created: May 2, 2012. Built in 3 weeks.


Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is a class at the Entertainment Technology Center of CMU that focuses on teamwork, iterative design, and rapid prototyping. For each round, a theme and an input device is designated by the instructors. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project.

Space Jammers

BVW Round 3b

This is a 4-person multiplayer game. One of the players is randomly chosen to be the "alien." His job is to eat the other players and steal their crystals. The other 3 players need to work together to collect crystals.


The alien and human players have different abilities. The humans can release a sonar to detect crystals and interfere with the alien. The alien has the ability to suddenly lunge ahead at unexpected times.

This game is meant played on the Jam-o-Drum, which is a top-down projection on a round table with four drums and four spinners. A video of this game being played on the Jam-o-Drum can be found here


Team Members:  Luis Andrade, Albert Shih, Zhengyi Wang

Created: March 8, 2013. Built in 1 week.


Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is a class at the Entertainment Technology Center of CMU that focuses on teamwork, iterative design, and rapid prototyping. For each round, a theme and an input device is designated by the instructors. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project.

Noah's Bark

BVW Round 3a

In this game, each player controls an animal on Noah's Ark. The goal is to use balance and force to knock all the other animals off the ark.

This game uses the PS Move. The PS Moves were calibrated so that the animals on the projector screen would move the same physical distance as the players in the room. Since the projector screen had a width of 16 feet, players would need to be need to run around the room to win.



Team Members:  Rex Hsieh, Wei Shao, Albert Shih, Mohit Taneja, Zhengyi Wang

Created: March 1, 2012. Built in 1 week.

Note: The current video shows a slightly older version that is not the final build.


Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is a class at the Entertainment Technology Center of CMU that focuses on teamwork, iterative design, and rapid prototyping. For each round, a theme and an input device is designated by the instructors. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project.


BVW Round 4

For BVW Round 4, the "story round," we created an interactive show of the last minutes between a cargo ship captain and his son before an overwhelming enemy force destroys their ship.

This project was created on the Bridge, a physical installation of 6 monitors, control panels, DMX lighting, and surround speakers at the ETC.


Team Members: Wayne Chang, Kiran George, Wei Shao, Albert Shih

Created: April 9, 2013. Built in 3 week.


Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is a class at the Entertainment Technology Center of CMU that focuses on teamwork, iterative design, and rapid prototyping. For each round, a theme and an input device is designated by the instructors. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project.


BVW Round 2

In this game, you control a bird trying to collect his flock before flying south for winter. You control the bird through a Kinect by positioning your arms.  


Round 2 is the "naive guest" round. The goal of this round is to create a fun experience for a naive guest - someone who doesn't any gaming experience as well as any prior knowledge of your game. Your game should use indirect control guide the guest while letting the guest feel a lot of freedom.

Here is short example of someone play-testing the game

Team Members:  Kiran George, Yan Jin, Ari Novick, Albert Shih

Created: March 28, 2012. Built in 2 weeks.

Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is a class at the Entertainment Technology Center of CMU that focuses on teamwork, iterative design, and rapid prototyping. For each round, a theme and an input device is designated by the instructors. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project.

Critter Camp

BVW Round 1

The theme for this Build Virtual World (BVW) round was for the guest, or user, to help a character who is afraid of another character, form, or entity. The input device required was the Eyegaze, which intuitively tracks your gaze on your computer monitor.

This project was completed in 2 weeks.

Team Members: Megan Kennedy, Ari Novick, Albert Shih, Mohit Taneja

Created: Feb. 6, 2013

Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is a class at the Entertainment Technology Center of CMU that focuses on teamwork, iterative design, and rapid prototyping. For each round, a theme and an input device is designated by the instructors. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project.


Global Game Jam 2012

This was created at the 2012 Global Game Jam (GGJ) Pittsburgh site by a group of 6 people using the Unity game engine. My roles on this project included level design, programming, and sound design.

The game was created in 48 hours. All models and texture were created during the jam.​

Team Members: Matthew Klin, Mike Sill, Travis Kehler, Richard Harris, and  Redah Abdul Rahman, Albert Shih

GGJ link for this game

Created: January 27, 2012

Survival of the Fittest

BVW Round 0

This was a solo project for the first round, or "warm-up round", of the Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) class. Since I was given the role of sound designer for the BVW class, this is one of the two projects I created for this round. This was created in Unity.

The sound design project for this round, which involves taking a game trailer and filling in all the sounds, can be found here.

This project was created in 2 days.

Created: January 27, 2012



Building Virtual Worlds (BVW) is a class at the Entertainment Technology Center of CMU that focuses on teamwork, iterative design, and rapid prototyping. For each round (except round 0), a theme and an input device is designated by the instructors. Students will have 1 to 3 weeks to complete each project.


GCS Project

Game Creation Society (GCS) is the game development club at Carnegie Mellon University. 

This project was lead by Billy Keyes and started as an experiment to design a one-dimensional game, or a game with movement only on one axis. Everyone on the team helped with designing and coding the game.

This game was created in Processing over a period of 6 weeks.

Team Members: Andrew Head, Billy Keyes, Dan Bucci, Hilda Huang, Albert Shih

Link to the game

More Info


​Created: Nov. 2011


Blowdryer Kid

GCS Project


Game Creation Society (GCS) is the game development club at Carnegie Mellon University. 

This was a semester long project led by Cindy Xu using the Unity game engine. My main role on this project was programmer.


​Created: May. 2012


Ludum Dare Game Jam

This was created for the Ludum Dare game jam in 48 hours using Processing. It is built on a simple 2D game engine that I building in  Processing for practice.


After the game jam, I took two extra days to make an "extended version" that fixes up some glaring problems in the game. The link below is to the extended version.


Link to the game

Link to the game's Ludum Dare page

Created: January August 2011



 All my work, Copyright © 2013 Albert Shih. All rights reserved

© 2012 by ODAM LVIRAN. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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